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Scouts – 10½ to 14 years

Jump in and get muddy. Give back and get set. Scouts ignore the butterflies and go for it, and soon so will you.


At 4th Willenhall the Scouts are split into 2 patrols, the Hawks and the Eagles. Each patrol has a leader who will welcome new members and look after them. We offer a wide veriety of activities from learning about how to tie knots using strawberry laces, to learning how to use an axe and bow saw. From creating and putting on a performance to learning first aid.


In the last 12 months, the Scouts have been busy earning their artist badge and Althetics badge to name a few. They have also been on a weekend overnight camp at Wolverhampton North District Activity Centre, where they learned how to use a rifle, they achieved their chefs badge and slept outside in tents which they loved!


The Scouts get involved each term with what badges they would like to do. If your child does an activity outside of scouts, please let us know as there may be a badge that we can award them.


Hope to hear from you soon.



Activity and Staged Badges

Master something you love, or try something shiny and new. If it spurs you on or stirs your interest, we’ve probably got a badge for it.

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