4th Willenhall
(St Stephens) Scouts
Cubs – 8 to 10½ years
Develop new skills. Soar to great heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.
Come and join the fun! Are you between 8 to 10 half years old? Would you like to have adventures, and make new friends? Whilst earning badges along the way.
We at 4th Willenhall have an amazing Cub Pack, who meet Tuesdays at 7:15pm, till 8:30pm. Each meeting Cubs come together, to enjoy creatively, designing, building and learning new skills towards their badges.There is always something to actively take part in, such as learning to light a fire safely, sewing puppets for a show, designing a dragon for Chinese New Year. studying knot skills, trying a variety of different foods for our international badge. Cubs, gain new skills, whilst creating friendships, and having fun.
Our Cubs motto is ‘Do Your Best’. Not forgetting our trips, and adventure days! Camping overnight, visiting the Gurdwara, the zoo, and the Grand Theatre to mention a few places. On our adventure days, Cubs enjoyed canoeing, tent building, playing wide games, and hiking along a tow path learning about nature. Whilst having incredible fun on the rifle range shooting targets. Our Cub Pack is somewhere you can gain knowledge, experiences whilst having fun, and doing your best.
Please feel free to pop by and see for yourself, maybe you wish to join our pack as a Cub, or maybe you would love to become a volunteer. To take part in all these amazing experiences. It will be great to have you join us.
Many thanks
Lisa Peters
Akela Cub Leader
Activity and Staged Badges
Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. From athletics and astronomy to photography and pioneering, there’s something for everyone.
Moving up to Scouts...
Eventually, it’ll be time to say farewell to Cubs and embrace your next big adventure..